Sunday, 26 February 2012

Back to Reality

...and it sucks :P Kyle and I arrived back on American soil on Sunday afternoon, after spending a much needed couple days in England with our favorite Brits- Lou, Alison, Matt, and Sam. We were stuck in Zagreb when our connecting flight from Dubrovnik was delayed for a couple of Frankfurt passengers...long story, but Croatia Airlines made a HUGE mistake, and they will be hearing about it. We wasted a day NOT spent in London, and didn't get into England until 4pm on Friday, when we were supposed to have gotten in at 9am.

On Saturday, the girls spent some GREAT quality time together, with a wedding dress shopping spree in Canterbury for Louise, and then afternoon tea at Eastwell Manor. The entire time, the boys had a great time going to a brew pub!

Sipping tea like proper ladies.

Afternoon tea at Eastwell Manor. Just beautiful.

And of course there's a roaring fireplace.

Sam had cooked Sunday roast for us that night, which is by far MY FAVORITE English meal. SOOOOO good. It's good to know professional chefs ;)

The next morning, we headed to Heathrow Airport. It felt weird to be leaving Europe after being there for so long. Kyle and I were able to get on the same flight to DC, where he would connect to Buffalo. The entire flight, Kyle finished Hunger Games...yay! It was a pretty decent flight...a long and tedious 8 hours, and absolutely nothing exciting to report.

We arrived at IAD, and to our dismay, they separated me (exit DC) and Kyle (transfer to another flight) immediately, and we didn't even have a proper goodbye because they were trying to shove us into our respective trams :( So that was a bit hectic and frustrating. Plus the fact that Kyle didn't have his phone (of course he didn't...if he didn't have it in London or Paris, why would he have it in DC, right?). Anyway, everything was sorted, Chantel picked me up from the airport, Kyle got on his flight, and we went back to our normal lives...

I started back up with work and school immediately, and it was really bizarre being home! Kyle went back to work on Tuesday bc his firm actually respects President's Day ;) You'd think that living and working in DC, everyone would be more observant of President's Day, right? I would even trade a day off for taking an obligatory tour around the National Mall or something. jet lag was so bad for the first few days that I would wake up at 4ish and not be able to go back to bed at ALL. It was awful. So I would wake up and continue reading the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. It's intriguing, but definitely not my favorite series thus far.

The next couple weeks are going to be spent catching up on school, work, and friends. We are off to Costa Rica in two weeks for Alyssa's wedding. Tough life :)

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