This is my first time blogging from my iPad, so please forgive me if my grammar is off. My MacBook air is in the shop again, of know, by this point I've had a completely new computer from all my trips to the genius bar: I have a new motherboard, new keyboard, new trackpad, new fan, new display (monitor screen thing included), and now new speakers. It would have been cheaper for apple to just give me a new freakin computer. Anyway, I digress. This past long weekend Kyle came to visit! It is always nice when there is a long weekend bc the visit doesn't seem so short, but it still flew by nonetheless. Friday night he got in and we just hung out. Saturday morning we went to Alexandria to get my mini serviced and checked out the Countryman, which is the four door mini and a ridiculously awesome car. Probably my next car after this lease is over :) we came home, rented two movies from redbox, got food, and came home. Rented The Other Guys and The A Team. Both EXCELLENT movies, amazing! Sunday we finally decided to get the new bed, and so now we are proud new owners of a westin heavenly bed! Very exciting, since the tempurpedic actually hurt my back, which is really counterproductive. Nadia and Nick were in town for the day from Baltimore, so we met up in Georgetown. Got in line for g-town cupcakes. The line was insane, but as always, the cupcakes were worth it. We then headed to the Potomac River, which is literally a couple blocks away. We walked downhill, nearing the dock, and looked behind us. The sky was, no joke, BLACK. There was a fierce storm coming our way. The wind started going, water started churning. And the crazy thing was, PEOPLE WERE STILL GETTING ON THE BOATS, and people were still out on their kayaks, floating around. Well, our little group got a little nervous, so we decided to turn back. Sure enough, no sooner than walking half a block, this torrential DOWNPOUR came down. Not like, rain. But big fat droplets that pelted us. Luckily, we were under a highway, so everybody in the surrounding vicinity got under it. The river, which was half a block away, was now totally NOT visible. Virginia and the trees? Gone. The kayaks? I hope they're ok. It was a ridiculous thunder/lightning/rain spectacle that lasted a good 20 minutes. Freak storm for real. Anyway, after that we decided to be near a car at all times, so we headed to National Cathedral, then to Cactus Cantina for margs and food, after which we took Nadia and Nick to Union so they could head back to Baltimore :)

line @ g-towncupcake
Today (4th of July!) was pretty worthless. We got up, watched a movie, ate, slept, and read books all day, just enjoying each other's company :) We headed over to Duane and DeVere's for a little 4th get-together and to watch fireworks. Good food, good company, and a great view of the fireworks that were going over the mall. It really is something to be an American. I do a lot of immigration work, and so it makes me even more thankful to be an American, knowing what we have, and knowing how hard so many people strive in order to get that green card (which isn't even green...). Immigrants in this country really love being here, and are thankful to be here. Many of them don't take it for granted, and I think there are many people who can learn a thing or two from them. Anyway, that's my two cents for the day :) Happy Fourth, everyone! God bless America :)

great view of the fireworks from duane and devere's!
(ps: blogging from an ipad sucks. i had to switch to a real computer. blarghhh)
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