Two weekends ago I was able to see three of my best friends from our time as camp counselors. It's hard to believe that we've known each other since summer of 2004, where Camp Champions in Marble Falls, TX changed our lives :) Since then, we've all tried to meet up once a year, and the past two years have been Sarah's and my wedding, respectively. This year, though Lanie's wedding is in November, we decided to go to Orlando, and will be starting official MVC trips every year, excluding weddings. It was seriously one of the funnest weekends ever, one that we had planned since December.
Because we only had two full days, we decided to spend our time wisely. We knew we wanted to go to Disneyworld, and to Harry Potter World, so it made sense to do Magic Kingdom one day, and Universal's Islands of Adventure the next. Lanie, Robin, and I managed to land in Orlando at the same time. We parked ourselves on the balcony of our hotel right away and waited for Sarah, and in the process, watched in horror as it thunderstormed and rained and....THUNDERSTORMED some more. It was pretty terrifying. As soon as Sarah got in, we went out for dinner in Downtown Disney. It was also Lanie's bachelorette and so we celebrated in style! We were able to have a relatively cheap meal in downtown Disney at Gloria Estefan's restaurant, after which we headed to an Irish pub. We were able to royally embarrass Lanie by asking the Irish fiddler and guitar player to invite her up on stage and dance a jig. Literally. Here she is hating us with every inch of her life:
Lanie dancing an Irish jig.
I love us :) Cheers!
The next morning, we got up nice and early to head to Disney! I've never been to Disneyworld before since we have Disneyland in California, and my parents never really saw the need to travel domestically when we can travel internationally. So, basically, I set foot in 15 different other countries before I'd ever even been to NYC or DC. No joke. But I suppose that's where I get my traveling bug, and that's how I turned Kyle into a world traveler too :) Anyway, I digress. We got to Disneyworld, and it was...SPECTACULAR. The four of us acted just as young as the majority of the patrons there- namely kids. We ran around and went on EVERY SINGLE RIDE, and were quite successful! It was soooo much fun. Pirates of the Caribbean, Winne the Pooh, Snow White, Small World, Peter Pan, etc etc, and the BEST roller coaster ride of all was Space Mountain. I am SUCH a fan. Love. In the midst of all that it started to POUR. It was quite disgusting, but luckily, everything in Disneyworld is pretty close together, so we were able to not get as soaked as we would have been at Universal, where everything is wide open. The last thing we did was stalk the princesses and Mickey/Minnie for pics, which we did quite successfully! It was so much fun!

Belle was probably the nicest princess out of them...and the prettiest!
This was right before Sarah called Mickey short and almost got us kicked out of Disney ;)
That night we went out into the town of Celebration for dinner. Now, we got a nice little background info from our hotel person about the town. Celebration isn't really a real town. It was created by Walt Disney so that Disney employees can live, eat, and breathe Disney. It's a perfect little town, very reminiscent of the Truman Show or Pleasantville, where everything is basically ...perfect. It was quite eerie. It's a little haven where kids grow up and ARE disney. Kinda crazy. We had the best Italian food ever, and headed back early bc Universal was going to be a LONG day.
Next morning: Universal. O.M.G. I can't even begin to describe how much fun it was and how incredible everything was, and the fact that you could drink your way through Universal. Who knew that selling beer during 2 hour lines was genius? Anyway, I soon as we got in, we raced in Harry Potter World. HP world is...everything you can imagine it is. I'm an HP fan, but not really...I read all the books and thought they were good, but didn't like it enough to watch the movies. Well, HP World is INCREDIBLE. It is an exact replica of Hogsmeade, from the shops to the signs to the little things like the bathroom ghost person in the restrooms! The best part of HP world was....BUTTERBEER!
Entering HP World was like a rite of passage.
We were ecstatic, and ran around like little kids in a candy store. Lanie, Sarah, and I did the Dragon rollercoaster, which was incredible, and we tried to do the main HP attraction, but it was closed, so we did everything else first. We did Jurassic Park, which had an incredible water ride that got us soaked, then we headed into Toontown for lunch, and that was super cool.
ToonTown!!! Bettyboop's territory.
The next island we went to was Marvel Comics Superheroes land, and went on an amazing Spiderman ride. I convinced Sarah to go on the Hulk rollercoaster to me, and....let's say I give her props. I'm a HUGE rollercoaster person, and Robin is DEFINITELY not. Lanie kinda is, but didn't end up going with me, and Sarah was a good sport and went with me. Anyway, it was ... INTENSE. It was definitely one of the most intense rollercoasters I've EVER been to, but it was still incredible. I don't think Sarah will be going on any rollercoasters soon after that one :) Thanks, girl! :D As soon as we got off the Hulk, these...dressed up superheroes started running around, and we chased after them to get pics with them:
Captain America!
Wolverine! He was prob my fave, but whoever took this pic sucked.
We did Dr. Seuss land, which was REALLY trippy and eerie. I've never read Dr. Seuss as a child, and I can't imagine reading them...whoever the creator is must have been on acid when he created the storylines and characters, no joke.
Dr. Seuss land. Trippy, right?
The last thing we did before heading back to HP world was the Lost City or whatever it was, and we had dinner there. Post dinner (9pm-ish), we headed back to HP world, got some drinks, and headed to the line for the Hogswart ride. OMG. The 90 minute line was worth it. The castle is AMAZING. It had EVERYTHING...the fat lady portrait, the sorting hat, Dumbledore's office, etc etc. It was ....AWESOME. The ride was very very scary. I'm not scared of rollercoasters, but I hate 3D things where ...things pop out at me. This is our picture at the end:
The key to this pic is all our different expressions.
Nothing beats Hogswart. This is exactly what it looked like at dusk :)
The ride capped off an amazing day at Universal. We ended the night with a bang, bc that's when I lost my precious Blackberry. :( Otherwise, it was definitely an amazing trip celebrating Lanie's upcoming nuptials. I love these three girls with all my heart, and I'm so blessed to have them as friends :) We only see each other once or twice a year, and every time we do get together, it's like nothing's changed. Can't wait to see where our adventures take us next year!