Kyle and I are pretty much liberal conservatives, however you want to take that. We were so, so excited to celebrate our first year of marriage well as celebrate New York State legalizing same-sex marriage on our one year anniversary! Yay New York!!!!!! What a great anniversary present, as one friend termed it :)
This past weekend, Kyle came down to DC to celebrate our anniversary. He got in on Friday and left late Sunday, and we had a really good time together! Saturday morning we brunched outside at Clyde's where I live, then we did some grocery shopping at Costco and sauntered over to Nordstroms to look at beds. Kyle had purchased a Tempurpedic bed, but it's pretty awful, so he finally gave in and agreed to try out the Westin bed, which is my personal favorite. Annnnd I think we have a winner! Plus it's way cheaper than the Tempurpedic. I honestly don't know what you pay for with those beds. Anyway, that night, we decided to celebrate by going to dinner at a casual, but relaxed place, and we ended up at the Mussel Bar in Bethesda. It was an hour wait, so we went over to Georgetown Cupcakes and got some DEEELICIOUS cupcakes. LOVE that place. Like, to the point where it's probably not healthy for me and negating all the running and working out I'm doing...
Cupcakes, beer, and mussels. Great combo!
Sunday, we had dim sum in the morning (by now Kyle is a total expert and knows exactly how to order, and even uses chopsticks better than me :)). We then headed over to the Jefferson Memorial, which I've never actually been to. It was a very very beautiful location that was serene and quiet. Nothing like the hustle and bustle the Washington and Lincoln Memorials have. Very much enjoyed sitting on the steps for a while and just looking out :) Beautiful day, great time with my husband, can't really ask for much more, can I?
In front of the Jefferson Memorial.
This pic, on the first try, is courtesy of the Samsung camera that has the screen on the front ;)
Sitting appropriately under the Preamble.
Sitting on the steps peacefully.
I am so so SO lucky to be with someone I love very much. It's not only been a year since we've been married, but almost a year since I found out I was going to transfer, and of living apart from each other. We've done pretty well, I must say. That night, we FINALLY picked out the final shots from our wedding. Here are a few of my favorites I would like to share with all of you again, taken by our professional photogs and by our very good friend and professional photographer, Austin Benton :)

Happy days :)