Tuesday, 28 June 2011


Kyle and I are pretty much liberal conservatives, however you want to take that. We were so, so excited to celebrate our first year of marriage together....as well as celebrate New York State legalizing same-sex marriage on our one year anniversary! Yay New York!!!!!! What a great anniversary present, as one friend termed it :)

This past weekend, Kyle came down to DC to celebrate our anniversary. He got in on Friday and left late Sunday, and we had a really good time together! Saturday morning we brunched outside at Clyde's where I live, then we did some grocery shopping at Costco and sauntered over to Nordstroms to look at beds. Kyle had purchased a Tempurpedic bed, but it's pretty awful, so he finally gave in and agreed to try out the Westin bed, which is my personal favorite. Annnnd I think we have a winner! Plus it's way cheaper than the Tempurpedic. I honestly don't know what you pay for with those beds. Anyway, that night, we decided to celebrate by going to dinner at a casual, but relaxed place, and we ended up at the Mussel Bar in Bethesda. It was an hour wait, so we went over to Georgetown Cupcakes and got some DEEELICIOUS cupcakes. LOVE that place. Like, to the point where it's probably not healthy for me and negating all the running and working out I'm doing...

MUSSELS GALORE. This place was worth the wait!
Cupcakes, beer, and mussels. Great combo!

Sunday, we had dim sum in the morning (by now Kyle is a total expert and knows exactly how to order, and even uses chopsticks better than me :)). We then headed over to the Jefferson Memorial, which I've never actually been to. It was a very very beautiful location that was serene and quiet. Nothing like the hustle and bustle the Washington and Lincoln Memorials have. Very much enjoyed sitting on the steps for a while and just looking out :) Beautiful day, great time with my husband, can't really ask for much more, can I?

In front of the Jefferson Memorial.
This pic, on the first try, is courtesy of the Samsung camera that has the screen on the front ;)
Sitting appropriately under the Preamble.
Sitting on the steps peacefully.

I am so so SO lucky to be with someone I love very much. It's not only been a year since we've been married, but almost a year since I found out I was going to transfer, and of living apart from each other. We've done pretty well, I must say. That night, we FINALLY picked out the final shots from our wedding. Here are a few of my favorites I would like to share with all of you again, taken by our professional photogs and by our very good friend and professional photographer, Austin Benton :)

Happy days :)

Thursday, 23 June 2011

New York!

New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of; There's nothin' you can't do; Now you're in New York; These streets will make you feel brand new; Big lights will inspire you; Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York.

I have always loved this song. I made the trek from California to Texas, and finally to New York bc I had always wanted to work at the United Nations in some human rights division. Of course, a lot has changed now, but there's no doubt about it. I heart NY :)

One big reason? Kyle was officially admitted to the New York Bar as an official attorney, sworn in and everything fancy!

I present to you, Mr. Kyle Pozza, Esq.

I am so so SO proud of him! Two days after he was admitted, he was sent to court to argue his first motion. Now THAT'S what I call awesome lawyering :)

Other than that, the weekend of the 18th, I went to NYC for a little weekend trip with my friend Emily, where we met up with Nancy, who, I must say, is now a TRUE native of New York. I kid you not, we were able to see ALL of New York City (Times Square, Rockefeller, Central Park, Wall Street, Ground Zero, East Village, Chelsea, Columbus Circle, Bryant Park, Meatpacking District, AND we took a ferry to Staten Island. I was really quite impressed. Our feet were dead tired from walking so much, but it was well worth it! Now, the real reason for our trip was to attend the Glee concert, which was THE most amazing concert I have ever been to. No joke. This beats Backstreet Boys back when I was OBSESSED with them, like in 9th grade, when I went to two concerts in a row. Regardless, the Glee concert was ON FIRE. Everyone from the cast was there, singing live, and BLAINE WARBLER was extra dreamy ;) I've actually had 3 independent sources tell me now that they think Kyle looks like Blaine. Ha! Anyway, the weekend was soooo much fun. We stayed in Times Square, in this little SHOEBOX, but we were literally a block away from all the bright lights. We got into NYC maybe around 11:30pm, and everything was still SO bright.

It really was a great weekend getaway! Here are some pics: Radio music hall, Central park, the Glee concert, the Wall Street Bull, etc.

At the Glee concert in NY!!!

This is perhaps one of my most favorite quotes from Glee.
Everyone knows the Journey song/outfits well by now!

The entire cast of Glee singing Empire State of Mind. How appropriate :)

Hiiiiiiii Blaine!

Hot dogs in Central Park are a must!

Wall Street Bull. No comment.

It was a great weekend. Loved visiting. Not sure I can live in such a hectic city...unless I have a couple million to spare to buy a "large" (aka 1500 sq. ft.) penthouse :)

Monday, 13 June 2011

A very very special weekend :)

This past weekend was the amazing and incredible wedding celebrations of one of my best friends- Ellen Pollack :) It was truly such an amazing and happy day that I wish they could do it again! It was a very very whirlwind weekend...I got into Buffalo on Wednesday night...midnight to be exact. My flight was delayed an hour, which is fine, Baltimore and Buffalo are my favorite airports to be in bc they're clean and small. Thursday was a lot of running around tying up loose ends and ended with spa night with the bridesmaids. Friday was more running around and checking things off the to-do list, rehearsal, and rehearsal dinner, before we all headed back to Ellen's to spend the night! Saturday morning was another whirlwind. We were all ready by 11am, and then the groom's side came to the bride's house! Armenian tradition was SO cool to observe and be a part of. Then came the ceremony. Absolutely beautiful church. Then were the pictures. And lastly- the reception, where the party REALLY started. It was SUCH an amazing wedding with awesome music (half of which were in Russian but it was still a ridiculous beat nonetheless), a freakin' awesome wedding singer, and emcee who could salsa like nobody's business. We literally all danced the night away. Below are some pics. You can tell that the theme was very pink :)

Kyle and I before the ceremony. The first and last time you'll see me in so much pink :)

The party bus!

All of us now. So pretty
Seriously one of my favorite shots. Love candids.

I was having a GREAT time.

FAVORITE PICTURE EVER. Ellen looks ridiculously happy and beautiful while I look...special.


Sunday, 5 June 2011

First weekend of June!

I love love love June. For so many reasons. It's my birthday month, as well as the month Kyle and I were married! Plus, June is the beginning of summer, which is my favorite time because it signifies that there are still 2 more months of glorious weather to be had :)

This weekend was quite a busy one. One of my sorority sisters, Nancy, came down from NYC to visit me in DC on Thursday night, to stay through the weekend. Thursday night we went to Clyde's, which is right across the street from where I live, and we sat outside on the patio, next to a Jamaican band playing. The weather was amazing, and to top it off, my Guinness had a perfect four leaf clover drawn onto the foam! Friday night we headed to Georgetown for some shopping and Georgetown cupcake. Georgetown Cupcake is seriously my favorite cupcakes, even though I feel like such a tourist every time I go in there. This is actually my first time inside the Georgetown location, bc I normally like to go to the Bethesda one (which is very close to me) since it's normally locals who populate it, and there really is no line most of the time. After Georgetown, we both came back and went to sleep REALLY early because the next day was the Race for the Cure! Saturday morning (like, 6am), we headed out to get Emily, then went down to the Mall for the race. It was a BEAUTIFUL day for a 5k, and it was super cool. We had a lot of fun! Emily and I didn't manage to beat our time from our last 5k, but it was because we spent most of the time dodging walkers and kids and strollers. Ugh.

Race for the Cure pics. The "pink" White House was a little overkill...

After the 5k, we showered, cleaned up, then headed to Baltimore! Baltimore Inner Harbor is SUCH a pretty area, and so is Fells Point. We walked around, got sunburned, ate at a GREAT crab shack place, and basically spent the afternoon/night just hanging out. It was very relaxing.

Inner Harbor sitting from the top. Check out the volleyball courts!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Ah, Memorial Day weekend. To me, it signifies the return of being able to wear white dresses, bottoms, and shoes! Ok, I'm kidding. It basically signals that summer is here, which I'm super excited about! After Kyle's graduation week, I headed back to DC. Man, it is HOT here. It has been constantly in the upper 80s-90s, with what feels like 100% humidity. Walking three blocks in my neighborhood leaves me a sweaty mess. So I got to Buffalo Friday night. My flight was delayed a good hour and a half, and I got in close to midnight. Needless to say, sleep was on my agenda. Saturday, Kyle and I had a great day consisting of shopping for our good friends Jesslyn and Tyler (graduation and birthday presents all around!)...we got Tyler these bad-assToms shoes. I will never ever stop advocating for these shoes, because each time YOU buy a pair, a kid somewhere in the world, who NEEDS shoes, gets a free pair. One for one. And, they are honestly the most comfortable pair of shoes that I have ever owned. Ever. Later that night, I went to the most epic concert ever- NKOTBSB!!! For those of you who are not well-versed in pop language it stands for New Kids on the Block + Backstreet Boys. It was pretty epic, but also a bit of a let-down, BUT ONLY BECAUSE they are clearly from two different genres. I did not know a SINGLE nkotb song, and so it was awkward bc it was essentially two different concerts. Regardless, had a blast with my favorite Pollacks and Nadia's friend Lauren :) GREAT times. Here are some awesome pics:

Backstreet Boys!!!!!
Insanely awesome!

The next morning, Kyle and I decided to make the most of the Memorial Day weekend. We got up earlyish and went down to the Buffalo marathon to cheer on Rob, who Kyle works with. Rob came in at an impressive 3:16!! For 26.2 miles! That is impressive, for real. After that, we picked up Jesslyn and headed to Niagara on the Lake, which is one of my most favorite places in the world :) It is in Canada, and is extremely cute, beautiful, and scenic, all wrapped in a little town. It also includes my favorite wineries for ice wine. Ice wine is really cool because it is sweet, and great for dessert. Because it's so cold up in Canada during the winter, the grapes freeze. I think it's something like 1-2 drops come out of a frozen grape, which then is made into ice wine. Niagara on the Lake definitely has the best.

On the lake. BEAUTIFUL view :)

In the little town of Niagara on the Lake. Gorgeous tulips :)

That night we got home, exhausted. Rented Gnomeo and Juliet and Black Swan. Loved the first, hated the second. I don't understand Black Swan. Really. Ugh. The gnome movie was SUPER cute, and went by pretty quickly. Highly recommended.

Monday, Kyle and I did laundry in the morning, then had brunch outside at Panos. It was a beautiful day in Buffalo, not too hot but just right. We then went to the outlets to get Kyle some new suits :) Success! And headed over to Jesslyn and Tyler's for some good chow! Early Tuesday morning, I flew back to DC. My flight landed at 7:30am, and the 80 degree heat hit me like a wall. It was disgusting :( Had a bunch of things to do during the week. I NEED to start on my dissertation. It WILL happen. Starting...NOW.

Anyway, here are some pics from graduation that I really wanted to share of Kyle and his family. Doesn't my husband look amazing? :) So proud of him...

Kyle and his parents at Niagara Falls! No trip to Buffalo is complete without the Falls...

Kyle and his proud parents @ graduation :)

Kyle and some siblings! The rest were there in spirit, definitely!!

Anyway, that is all I have in terms of updates. I will try to update this once a week :) Since it's summer, and I'm supposed to have more time...

~k :)