Saturday, 13 September 2008


Largest Mosque in Europe or something.

View from the Cafe at our Hotel

Best way to get around ... 

"Snakes, I hate Snakes!"  -Indiana

The huge Square!


McDonald's, taking over the world

Marrakech has a Congress?  How cosmopolitan.  And the guy out front must be Robo Cop

The other way to get around.  Good times.

Their famous "Jardin" 

The pond at the Jardin

Shot of the Mosque

The typical scene around town.

A golfing oasis!  So tempted to play


Ting!  Oh wait, that's Chinese.

Right or Left?

110 degrees!!! Only so long you can last.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Barcelona!!! si, puedo hablar espanol!!!

Hello all,

So this post comes about a month after our visits.  But school has been pretty hectic.  ANYWAY, Barcelona!  We arrived in Barcelona and went straight to our hotel, Hotel Alimara- very very comfortable and luxurious hotel.  It was a well-needed break after the first 2 cities.  We basically crammed Barcelona all into one day- early in the morning we started off by going to Parc Guell, one of the highest points in Barcelona and to visit Gaudi's creations in the park.  We headed down to Casa Mila afterwards, where we had breakfast at Starbucks, sitting outside, of course, right next to Jimmy Choo and across from Casa Mila.  It was pretty awesome.  After breakfast we visited two other houses of Gaudi, and from there we ventured to La Sagrada Familia.  Now, some history: La Sagrada Familia was created by Gaudi, who was very pious and who rejected all the material wealth, thus creating the grotesque building.  This building was the last thing he did in his life, and he did not expect to complete it.  His expectation came true, as he died whilst constructing it, but he had already completed the majority of it.  La Sagrada Familia is undergoing construction now because there are those who want it finished, although there are others who believe it should remain as it was at the time of Gaudi's death.  After that we headed to Placa de Catalunya and walked down Las Ramblas- which was an experience in itself.  There were outdoor pet shops, street performers, artists, flower shops for a good mile and a half down one road.  We wandered off to do some shopping at the Bari Gotica and we ran into Santa Maria del Mar and Placa del Rei.  We also ventured into the Picasso Museum (Picasso considered Barcelona one of his homes), and after that we went back to Las Ramblas and walked down to Port Vell, where we walked on the pier and went to the Aquarium.  We had dinner after that in a very nice (and expensive) restaurant, and ventured back to the hotel after a VERY LONG DAY.

Next day- packed up all our stuff and headed to the Parc de Cituadella for a walk, and then caught our flight to Marrakech! 

Our greeting in the hotel room upon our arrival.  True four-star style!

It was seriously an amazing stay.

The ultra-modern bathroom.

The outdoor escalators to Parc Guell.

At one of the highest points in Parc Guell, overlooking Barcelona.

You can see la Sagrada Familia from here!

Climbing up some monument with the cross that looks like a "T"

Antonio Gaudi's amazing murals.

Yet again, Gaudi's impressive and grotesque looking architecture at Parc Guell.

In front of the serpent-y fountain.

Another of Gaudi's buildings-la Casa Mila.

La Sagrada Familia, under lots of controversial construction and expansion.  One of Gaudi's most famous creations.

La Sagrada Familia.

The Three Wise Men on the facade of the back of la Sagrada Familia.

Another Gaudi building- No. 35

Placa de Catalunya- start of the famous Las Ramblas

One of the dozens of street performers on Las Ramblas.

I totally don't remember where this was.

Catedral -also apparently going through extensive construction.

I THINK this is the Placa del Rei

Santa Maria Del Mar- very impressive cathedral.

Tribute to fallen soldiers outside Santa Maria del Mar.

The lions right by Port Vell.

My dress prevented me from totally getting on the lion.  Oh well.

Port Vell- this picture doesn't do it justice.  It was pretty amazing.

Barcelona Aquarium- apparently the largest in Europe but it was definitely more like a 25 minute trip!


Funniest looking fish ever.


Wednesday, 6 August 2008


Hi everyone!

So...our most recent adventure- Venezia!  Venice was very hot and humid, which made the city smell a little, but it was fun nonetheless.  Kyle and I stayed in a little town outside of Venice called Mogliano Veneto, in a villa called Villa Foscarini.  It was a pretty little town very reminiscent of Sausalito, Napa, etc.  The villa was charming, and everyone was very nice.  No one really spoke English, which made the experience even better!

On the first night we explored Venice a little bit, but only San Marco square.  We took the water taxi, which was very cool.  The second day we decided to forgo the taxi and walk Venice.  ALL OF IT.  TWICE.  Not kidding.  We started from Ferrovia station, walked across to San Polo, crossed over to San Marco and Zaccharia area, then walked back up to Ferrovia.  We then walked all the way back to San Marco area because we wanted to go on a Gondola ride, but when we found out it was 100 Euros, we definitely decided to forgo it.  There is a lot more we can do for 100 Euros than a measly 35 minute ride in the dark.  Anyway, along the way we saw a lot of different churches, encountered a ridiculous amount of touristy vendors, and of course visited the famous San Marco Basilica.  We were also able to buy masks from a fantastic shop.  The masks are popular for Carnivale, which is held every February, and the whole of Venice comes out in costumes and masks for 10 days.  Everywhere you go in Venice you will see these masks for sale.  Kyle and I saw an amazing one for 600 Euros.  Imagine that!  All in all, it was a very good experience walking on almost every single bridge in Venice and weaving around the city.  

- Kristen :)

Venice Day 1

Gondolas and the Grand Canal, with the San Marcos square to my back.  Beautiful.  

On the Water-Bus.  Who knew public transportation could be so enjoyable.  

Down one of the alley ways not under water.  Lots of cute shops.  Apparently, Venice is well known for their glass blowing, lace, and masks (as in masquerade balls).  

Just a great picture.

Same thing, except the guy on the Gondola looks pissed.  

Venice Day 2

“Policia on a mission!”  Watch out, I think they are pulling 30 knots!!! Woah.

On a bridge…. One of the seven thousand we crossed!

Kyle opened up his own Hotel in Venice as well… just changed the last letter.  (Note the sign above his head).  

Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!  Kristen’s worst nighmare.  A cluster of pigeons.  

On top of San Marco Basilica

Masquerade Ball…. except no Ball.  Venice is known for Carnivale, in which the whole city dresses up like this.  It’s tradition.  During tourist season, almost always “no photo allowed,” but the owner of the store asked us to do this and took a picture himself/the store.  

Venice at Night.  Again, thanks to Gevork for letting me use this lens.  The quality is undeniably great.  


The Gondola ride would have been an awesome 30 minutes.  But here is the 100 Euros we saved by taking a picture in lieu of riding them.  Haha.  That’s 100 Euro of souvenirs that will last a lifetime.